TraditionalHealing Herbs 


People of India and China have been using various herbs as a medicine for thousands of years. There are many good reasons for that practice. Traditional herbs can be used to treat a wide range of ailments, but without potentially nasty side-effects of the Western medicine. This website is created to remind people that there IS analternative to modern-day Medicine!  

Ayurvedic Herbal Products 

Ayurveda is the ancient medical treatise in India, and propagates a system of treatment through the use of herbal medicines found in nature. Many herbalists have been using the recommendations mentioned in this treatise since ancient times. Today, it is being used not only in India but in U.S as well and also in many other countries of the world. The Ayurvedic treatment method tries to achieve a balance between the mental, physical and spiritual state of patients in order to promote a holistic medicine. Read on to know why you should go for Ayurvedic herbal products for curing yourself.

Treatment from within

The main principle of the Ayurvedic system of treatment is to prevent the occurrence of various disorders by making use the body’s own power of immunity against them. The herbal medicines used in Ayurveda help achieve a harmony between the mind, body and spirit of patients. This helps in treating the diseases from within. The treatment does not stop with mere reduction of the intensity of symptoms. Ayurveda products focus on balancing the 3 energies of the body, also referred to as Dosha – which are Vatha, Pitta and Kapha.

No side effects

As opposed to allopathic medicines that contain synthetic ingredients and strong chemicals, Ayurvedic products are completely safe. They do not lead to any type of side effects. You can only overdose on them, and suffer from negative results due to high amount of intake. Otherwise, there are no side effects to be suffered from due to the use of these all-natural products. Due to these reasons, these are being used by more and more people as an alternative mode of treatment.

They are cheaper

As opposed to standard medicines, these are more affordably priced. Most allopathic medicines are costly and have to be used over a long term in order to keep the symptoms under check. In contrast, Ayurvedic herbal products have a lower price tag and do not need to be used for a long time unless the condition is of a complicated nature.

One of the greatest benefits of Ayurveda products is the fact that they can help in treating sufferers permanently. Conventional medicines fail to treat many disorders on a permanent basis, such as anxiety or depression. Regular use of Ayurveda medications for a specific time period, and according to the prescriptions of herbalists, is able to treat even complicated disorders forever by finding the root cause of the problems. In most cases, these herbal products treat the condition from within and the treatment is often permanent.

No one-size-fits-all treatment

Unlike conventional medications which deem every individual as the same and treat on a routine basis, Ayurveda recognizes and respects the distinct differences in the physical and mental makeup of individuals. Naturally, herbalists prescribe different medications for different sufferers.  The treatment regimens differ on the basis of the constitution of patients and the individualized curative process helps in complete treatment by taking specific needs into account.